Fan maintenance all across Finland by our experts

Get in touch

DCS Cleantech Ltd handles fan maintenance in industrial plants throughout Finland. You can order service and spare parts for industrial fans from us, regardless of brand.

Our maintenance service includes fan condition monitoring measurements, shaft alignments, balancing work and equipment repairs. In addition, you can order preliminary fan maintenance and condition inspections from us.


Contact us and order maintenance or report any problems with your industrial fan! We handle repairs reliably, and if necessary, you can also get new fans from us.

Contact details

Maintenance with solid experience

Our team has 40 years of experience with maintenance and spare parts of various brands of industrial fans. Our trained personnel are ready to serve in industrial plants all over Finland. We perform measurements and documentation with SPM Instruments' Leonova Infinity devices in the Condmaster Nova environment.


Our workshop is well equipped for repairs and maintenance that require machining and welding. We manufacture impellers and also supply spare parts and accessories for fans from other manufacturers – even with a short delivery time. Contact us for more information!

Take a closer look at our workshop

 Slick equipment maintenance

Feel free to contact us and order equipment maintenance or condition inspection for yourfans. We always prepare a report on the inspection, which clearly shows the repairs and maintenance performed. In the report,
we also identify any potential future defects that need to be corrected. Regular maintenance can prevent
wider problems with the fans.


If you are considering the renewal of your industrial fans or more extensive modernisation work on your industrial plant, we will assist you in the renovation process. We handle emission reduction planning, equipment manufacturing, as well as deliveries and installations.